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The Oregon Trappers Association is dedicated to conservation through education!  

If you are interested in trapping, learning is an excellent way to support your passion.  Our trappers education day is a fantastic opportunity to spend some time with a few of the best trappers in Oregon learning about one of Oregon's greatest renewable resources, FUR-BEARERS!  Going to college?  We encourage you to apply for the Vann Memorial Scholarship - See below. 

Are you interested in a college scholarship?  

Thanks to the family of Dave Vann, the Vann Memorial Scholarship has been established and is available to our OTA youth.  In this way, Dave Vann's legacy is passed along reinforcing the heritage of this great state, the OTA and the Vann family.  For a current Scholarship application, see below.

Applications must be received by July 31st to be  considered for this year's scholarship.

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